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关于Neoprene Rubber Sheet 面料

客人想要设计一款布袋。材料是反面用Neoprene Rubber Sheet。我们用潜水料给他打了样,他说是fabric的。
现在就僵持在这个问题上,有人知道客人需要的Neoprene Rubber Sheet到底是怎样的材质吗?

There is however work necessary on the cover before I can give my ok! The bottom cannot (!) stay this way with this fabric! It needs to be neoprene because of insulation reasons. I send you the scetch I sent Cherry.

So: what's the function of the neoprene/rubber on the bottom of the cover? There are several:
1. heat insulation - keep heat inside better on the bottom side, and keep cold of floor off when laying the cover/pack on the floor for use with feet.
2. dirt protection: when lying on the floor, should be cleanable with a wet cloth
3. glide-stop: when lying on the floor should prevent the pack from sliding away
To be able to do this, I think it needs to be a 1-2 mm thick neoprene sheet, sewn to the outside-bottom of the cover!

Please do see how fast the factory can make a sample cover with neoprene sewn on the bottom to send me a picture as well.



网友回答:是不是类似于Raincoat的那种面料?客人说会寄个fabric swatch给你确认?之前她寄给Cherry的是Sketch还是swatch?