求助,如何讓客人接受付運費,情況如下求高手下面的郵件怎麼回啊!原因:由於漏單下給生產廠生產了,造成這筆訂單DELAY,現在經過努力交期可以提前了,現在講到運費由誰負責了,之前客人要求的是空運,如果沒有delay 則運費客人會付,現在delay我怎樣說服客人在付運費呢?郵件如下,請各位高手指點,在線等待。。。。。。。Hi Did,Thank you for your quick reply and consideration with this matter.Firstly, great work with the progression of this ship date. One thing I not sure about is who will be paying for this freight?With the exception of this order both John and yourself he provide us with ery high level of service of which we are appreciative.I look forward to your reply.Regards,
网友回答:HI,If you can pay, that's very considerableWe can re-fund sample charges when later there is volume ordersThanks!
网友回答:2楼很。我也来凑个热闹。因为感觉客户付运费还是有门的,可以稍微理直气壮些。Dear XXThanks for your email on 7th Sep. (我习惯通过这句表示已到对方的邮件)We appreciate your concern over freight. Based on the quotation, the freight has to be paid by XXX (客户的公司名). Please kindly find the documents regarding the freight payment in the attached, and finish the payment by XX Sep (日期) to ensure delivery on time. It is our pleasure to provide you with the best service. We will continue to provide you with a high level of service in the futu
网友回答:thanks for you warmhearted
网友回答:Dear,Thanks for your apriciation, that's the motivation of our efficient work.It would be great if you could still pay the freight as you supposed to; and we promise we will continue to provide you the best service and on time delivery for future orders. regards这是个技术活啊,期待高人