Our thought is to he the bottom 5 mm of the shaft in the shape of a tri wing so that all companies using our technology are required to buy tips from us. 客人是想在40MM的塑料杆子上一个类似奔驰那样的图标,以示知识产权,但是他的意思是在距杆子底部5mm的地方这个奔驰标志还是什么意思???希望您能帮助我理解,。谢谢
网友回答:按照客人的意思,他是想把杆子底部成三角(tri-wing)的接口这个部件常规的应该都是业内统一的接口吧,客人想成三角的,这样如果这个部件坏了要更换,就只能再找他们,而不是选别的公司的产品来替代。解析一下具体帮助理解:核心部分:he the bottom in shape of tri wing客人目的:all companies using our technology are required to buy tips from us.