We ( Kamal Enterprise )??introduce ourselves as indentor. We??are interested to act??as your??agent in this deal.Please note that Bangladesh??stands between??India??& Myanmar??in asia continent.
1.BID??SECURITY (BS) : Each offer??must accompany? ?one??bid??security in the form of bank guarantee for??USD 55000.00 ( U.S.Dollar??Fifty Five??Thousand ) or equivalent in Euro . This??BS must be??issued??by??any bank??operating??in Bangladesh on behalf of??seller's??bank.Validity??of BS??: 120 days.
2. PERFORMANCE??SECURITY ( PS ) : Successful??bidder ( winner of the bid ) must??submit??one??Performance??Security ( PS )??in the??form of??bank guarantee??for??ten??percent ( 10% ) of total??quoted value??before??signing of??contract ( i.e. within??28 days from date of??letter of award ). Validity of PS??: One year .
Form / model of??BS??& PS??are??included??by??buyer ( BPDB ) in tender documents . Buyer??made??tender??documents.
3. Delivery??period??:??180 days .
4. Payment??terms :??Payment by L/C . (a) 15% in advance against bank guarantee, (b) 75% by L/C on shipment , (c) 5% on acceptance of goods??by buyer's??store officer??within Bangladesh, (d) 5%??on expiration of??warranty??period.
Specifications of goods , Quantity , Delivery time, all terms & conditions, form of BS, PS??including above mentioned terms??were mentioned??by buyer in tender??documents. Buyer??made tender documents.
Before??writing us for tender docs, please give answers??to our??following questions.
(a) Will you agree to provide??bid security ( BS ) if you??participate in this bid after examination of??tender??documents??? ?
(b) Will you??agree to??provide??performance??security ( PS ) before signing of contract??if you??win??the bid ? ?
If you are interested to participate??in this tender??through us & if??you are??agreeable to provide??Bid Security ( BS ) , then??kindly write us for tender??documents??ASAP.