sorry for my mistake my boss and my collegue will attent Hong kong fair and not canton fair you will be there ? will you attend Hong kong fair ? if so pls advice your details
Thanking you in advance BR tania
Dear Tania,
Glad to know your boss and colleagues will attend the Hong Kong Fair. Our showroom: Grand Hyatt Hotel Excecutive 1
Wish to see you all there then.
Thanks and regards, Water
Dear Tania,
If possible, it would be better let us know the exact time for meeting.
We wish to arrange well the schedule and he a better talk with you all.
Thanks and regards, Water
Dear Water , thanks for your kind e-mail
pls be note that my boss and my collegue will come there to visit the fair and meet many and many our suppliers so they are not sure about the time that they can come to your booth , maybe they will wait for you if you are busy Dear Water when you suppose the goods will be ready to be dispatched ? Thanks so much for your kind and precious collaboration BR tania
Dear Tania,
1)??For your reference, enlcosed the map to our show room. Wish it could help to arrive there easily.
2)??For the time to meet each other. Well noted it is tightened for you.??But??hope you would fix it if convenient to you.
3)??For the goods status, it may complete during the Fair in Hong kong. But I will let you know the accurate time then.
Thanks and regards, Water
Dear Water , thanks very much for your kind information you are really very kind I'll give the map to my collegue and my boss hoping that you will he a good meeting dear Water when do you suppose that goods will be ready for shipment ? Pls advice I'd appreciate of you Thanks agian Tania
Dear Water, I'm here because we need to buy DVD/DivX players and I'd be very pleased to receive your best quotation + pictures + technical features Thanking you in advance BR Tania
Dear Tania,
Thanks very much for your new enquiry. We are glad to know you he plan to enlarge to DVD/ DivX line. As you know we he many models on this line. Do you he some target models in mind?
For now we he normal size DVD player, middle size and mini size DVD player. Which kind would you prefer? And could you kindly inform us your market and??the quantity? More information is better for us to make the best offer for you. Thanks.
Please clarify and waiting for your further information soon.
Thanks and regards, Water
Dear Water, I'm here to ask you if you kindly could show me normal size of Divx and the prices , with display of course !!!!! Awaiting for your kind reply BR tania
The size for normal DVD player is: 430*38*260MM.??Could you inform us if you he some interested models in mind? I will quoted you accordingly. At current moment do you wish to import some normal size DVD also?
Could you let me know some more comments about DVD-558A? 客户好几天没回关于这个MODEL的情况了。因为她比较敢兴趣,之前在MSN里就已经谈了好多了。所以来个“催”。。。
Thanks and regards, Water
Dear Water, thanks so much for your e-mial. I'd be very interested in knowing the price for a normal size of DiVx and receive the relative picture !!! As the licence we he decided to ask for it only in case we need I mean only in the case the customs ask for it !!!! Pls quote to me another model of Divx with display and normal size Thanks Tania
网友回答:Thanks for all your kind support! Working together with your brand new ideas. Working will be comfortable! Sexdevil, 其实PENALTY的产生很简单,不按期交货,严重超过了客户的底线。或者有些在下单之前就明确与你谈PENALTY的事情。DELAY一天,然后罚多少钱。 这是个很头痛的事情。我又要挣扎了!关于迟出货要安抚客人的事情已经够我折腾了。要安抚客人,怎么样写才让客户觉得我在很努力的为他事,包括整个公司都很重视他的定单。然后说服他接受货物而不罚钱!现在新单来了,要加条款,然后又要思考怎样才让我们大家都双赢! 我晕啊。。。今天不写,后天也要写了...I am still thinking...With your help, i will be happy and live well......You are great!
网友回答:water liang ~~ well done ~` 强啊~~ 那天出来好好交流下。哈哈 you are so geat, you re so handsome...... HOHO
网友回答:客户要新的产品来咯。之前的小机没谈下。要改MODEL。原因是小机一个柜数量太多了。 所以又一个新的ENQUIRY。 PLS LET ME KNOW IT?S QUITE URGENT !!! Dear Water , pls could you quote the below items : DVD556DVD598DVD595DVD592DVD585DRW2030DRW2050Pls quote it with built in DiVx function. Thanks Tania Dear Tania,Thanks for your new enquiry. I recommend you the following model.DivX-592 USD23.5 1*40GP=3500pcsDRW-2039 USD88 1*40GP=2100pcsPlease ensure that the quantity is 1*40GP, for now we really couldno