什么是"certificate of fiscal resident"?我的西班牙客户说要给我付款,但是要我们给她"certificate of residence"才能付全款。 请详细的说明一下,而且要确实过,有这方面经验的回答。告诉我具体怎么。
网友回答:中国税居民明(Certificate of Chinese Fiscal Resident)日期(Date):编号(Catalogue Number):纳税人名称(Taxpayer’s Name):纳税年度(Tax Year): 经中国税务主管当局国家税务总局授权,兹证明上述纳税人是中国税意义上的居民。(Authorized by the State Administration of Taxation, the Competent Authority of the Chinese tax administration, this is to certify that the above-named taxpayer is a Chinese fiscal resident for the purposes of Chinese taxation.) 省(市) 市(区) 国家税务局/地方税务局局长(签字):(Director of Office of SAT/Local Ta