首页  > 外贸知识  >  一个巴西客户要L/C,不过还是个大家吧



要求L/C at 90 days after BL date.

还要exclusivity 要求
exclusivity in Portugal and Spain

Regarding the exclusivity territory by model as we do a huge effort in marketing campaigns, it's crucial to he the exclusivity in the models we sell. At the beginning of our busines relationship, we need at least the exclusivity in Portugal and Spain, since we can't share our products, in our main market, with other product brands. That's very important.




The LC IRREVOCABLE is our unique way of payment, as you know all of the big stores (as carrefour, mediamarkt, fnac, etc) in Europe pay in long time terms and In order to keep our economic balance, as we receive a payment term from our customers of L/C at 90-120 or even at 150 days. Usually, that depend on the customer, the bigger they are, the more payment term they request. Then, we he agreed with our partner companies the payment term by L/C at 90 days after BL date.

As I comment this our payment policy, we work with more than 50 big factories wothout any problem, you are invited to request references, we are on the business more than 25 years increasing our market share and products,??I′m not try to argument the business model as a brand we he to perform pay in advance a lot of investmen cost long before that we receive the goods and of course of the lyfetime sales cycle. This cost are becoming higher and higer recently every day. Product taxes are increasing.??When we sell the product to the big market shops we he to pay a percentage due the space in the shop before receive the goods.??so, talk to your finance team to reconsider to work with the the new best consumer electronic devices for Sports on Spain and Portugal, it′s a pity if we cannot with our potential project by your side.


网友回答:这个情况可以我!信用证我们帮忙,然后你这边的款我们可以担保给你。电话135****1580  QQ:242****790    邹小姐广东汇富集团

网友回答:是啊,谁说不是啊。不过这个客户还是很有潜力的, 主要我没有过L/C,又碰到exclusivity。头疼啊


网友回答:地区独家销权是很常见的了,主要看产品了。你这个客户要exclusivity 也很正常,你们可以签exclusivity agreement嘛,一是让客户支付exclusivity deposit, 不过现在很多客户都不愿意的。二是提高价格,一般签订exclusivity 的客户都会接受价格加成的。多少个点就看你们与客户的角力了。至于LC,这类场的客户是让人最头痛的,基本上都是要求远期60天90天的了。。。看你们愿不愿接了。如果要,提醒注意1个是付款尽量争取在国内,不要在证行付款,2是单据提交日期以交到议付行为准,这样可以节省几天时间。。。细节的自己多把握了。。。LC远期的风险还是会有一点的了,重要的是压了大笔资金,如果有需要,可以Q我,我们公司LC断融资,可以为你审核信用证,具体的你有需求了再说吧。。我QQ:856****5