if a label-coded customer has the ship-to location 62 and location 68; please check with us to print customer p/o #s on the cartons. since it can not show on pdf order where order will ship to, our corp instruct that carton markings for all customer label-coded p/o’s must to be checked by our corp??and we will approve or instruct you to add customer po# on carton marking. please confirm note.
网友回答:如果 label-coded 客户已经海运到Location 62以及运到Location 68.请我们检查下是否把客户的 P/O 标签是否贴在纸箱上,因为没有在PDF版本的合同上,我们公司说明了一点就是所有客户的label-coded P/O’s 必须是由我们自己来检查的and we will approve or instruct you to add Customer PO# on carton marking Please confirm note.