capital is in fact a produced wealth that has been cumulaed ober the years of economic developement. for many reasons, capital fors certain economies and rejects others. because of the lack of capital, many developing countries are unable to modernize their industries and economies with advanced machinery, equipment, and plant they are not yet able to manufacture. this has given rise to the need for developing international trade.
网友回答:capital is in fact a produced wealth that has been cumulated over the years of economic developement. For many reasons, capital fors certain economies and rejects others. Because of the lack of capital, many developing countries are unable to modernize their industries and economies with advanced machinery, equipment, and plant they are not yet able to manufacture. This has given rise to the need for developing international trade.事实上,资本是创造的财富,它是在长年累月的经济发展中逐步积累起来的。由于各种原因,资本会亲睐某些经济体,而将其他经济体拒
网友回答:capital is in fact a produced wealth that has been cumulated over the years of economic developement. For many reasons, capital fors certain economies and rejects others. Because of the lack of capital, many developing countries are unable to modernize their industries and economies with advanced machinery, equipment, and plant they are not yet able to manufacture. This has given rise to the need for developing international trade.资金,是在长年累积的经济发展下产生的财富。出于很多原因,金钱能扩张经济也不免会抑制其他的发展。由于缺乏资金,很多发展中