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纱线 yarns

棉及其混纺纱线 cotton, cotton mixed & blended yarns

棉纱cotton yarns 涤棉纱 t/c & cvc yarns

粘棉纱 cotton/rayon yarns

棉晴纱 cotton/acrylic yarns

棉/氨纶包芯纱 cotton/spandex yarns

棉与其他混纺纱 cotton/others blended yarns

毛纺系列纱线 woollen yarn series

羊绒纱 cashmere yarn series

全羊毛纱 wool (100%) yarns

毛晴纱 wool/acrylic yarns

毛涤纱 wool/polyester yarns

毛粘纱 wool/viscose yarns

毛/丝纱 wool/silk yarnss

羊毛/其他 wool/other yarns

兔毛纱 angora yarns

雪兰毛线 shetland yarns

牦牛毛纱 yak hair yarns

羊仔毛纱 lambswool yarns

真丝系列纱线 silk yarn series

白厂丝 white steam filature yarns

双宫丝 duppion silk yarns

柞蚕丝 tussah silk yarns

绢丝 spun silk yarns

柞绢丝 tussah spun silk yarns

柚丝 silk noil yarns

真丝线 silk threads

丝棉混纺纱 silk/cotton blended yarns

麻纺系列纱线 halm yarn series

系列纱线 hemp yarn series

亚麻系列纱线 linen yarn series

苎麻系列纱线 ramie yarn series

黄麻系列纱线 jute yarn series

其他植物纤维纱线 other plant yarns

剑麻系列纱线 sisal yarn series

人造纤维和纱线 manmade & synthetic yarns

晴纶纱 acrylic yarns

晴纶仿羊绒 cashmere-like acrylic yarns

仿兔毛 sunday angora yarns

锦纶丝 polyamide yarns

涤纶纱/丝 polyester yarns

人造棉纱 spun rayon yarns

天丝纱 tencel yarns

弹力纱线 elastane yarns

涤粘纱 t/r (polyester/rayon) yarns

人棉混纺纱 spun rayon blended yarns

其他化纤纱线 other synthetic yarns

人造长丝或线 viscose filament yarns or threads

花色纱线 fancy yarns

雪尼尔纱 chenille yarns

大肚纱 big-belly yarns

带子纱 tape yarns

马海毛纱 mohair yarns

羽毛纱 feather yarns

蜈蚣纱 centipede like yarns

项链纱 neckline yarns

辫子纱 pigtail yarns

梯子纱 ladder yarns

圈圈纱 loop yarns

tt 纱 tt yarns

结子纱 knot yarns

乒乓纱 ping-pong yarns

其它花色纱线 other fancy yarns

金属纱线 metal yarns


靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray

人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flocking pvc

植绒:pvc flocking

针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking

珠粒绒:claimond veins

倒毛:down pile making

平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)

仿麂皮:micro suede

牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking

尼丝纺:nylon taffeta (nylon shioze)

尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta

素面植绒:plain flocking 印花植绒:flocking(flower)

雕印植绒:embossing flocking

皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking

牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking

兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating

羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods

立绒呢:cut velvet

顺毛呢:over coating

粗花呢:costume tweed

弹力呢:lycra woolen goods

塔丝绒: nylon taslon

塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop

桃皮绒:polyester peach skin

涤塔夫:polyester taffeta

春亚纺:polyester pongee

超细麦克布:micro fiber

锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)

重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)

人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric

斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)

素色天鹅绒:solid velvet

抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet

雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet

轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet

粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet

麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric

麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric

素色毛巾布:solid terry

蚂蚁布:fleece in one side

素色卫衣布:solid fleece

鱼网布:fleece 彩条汗布:color-stripes single jersey t/r

弹力布:t/r bengaline t/c

色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric

弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandex t/r

仿麂皮:t/r micro suede

仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar

仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede

仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb

蜡光缎:cire satine

全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffe




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网友回答:so useful, thanks a lot




网友回答:呵呵 对我们纺织服装一类很有用的 希望对大家有帮助


网友回答:挺全面的,很有用...Thanks very much.

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