Gear Box Only Type : R Series Ratio 1 : 60 Or??Ratio 1 : 80 For Induction Motor 10HP 1450Rpm 3Ph Delivery time : Franco Singapore
Plaese send the drawing and the dimention
之后15天发了3封跟踪,一直有回执. 打了一通电话,那边一直是很朦胧的回复.
4月1日 给客户可能是最后一封邮件
Dear Alexander,
Almost 15 days he passed since the drawing was sent to you. I sent you 3 to 4 emails during these 15 days and knew you received them. I ge you a call and you picked it up.
However, we hen't got any feedback or comment from you then.
We asked our technician to make the drawing for you and it took time and their labor to do that. We do believe it's not the way to do business and it's a way of cheating.
If you need drawing,tell us directly PLEASEEEEEEEEE. We can provide you the drawings of K/F/S/H.B/P Series as well.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!