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求助:出口到加拿大,客户要product liability information
求助:出口到加拿大,客户要product liability information
这个客户是费了九牛二虎之力才建立,慢慢的询价,历时一年多。 马上要下订单了,客户发邮件问我要banking information and your product liability information.,??客户本来说要发给我一份这个product liability的例文,可是客户说找不到了, 然后来了一封邮件如下:
we don’t keep any contracts here so could you please go through the file for waste management , oshawa and forward me the copy or the most recent bill,
我的问题是: 1.? ?各位谁的美国或加拿大客户有要这个product liability information的吗? 2.? ? forward me the copy or the most recent bill,??这个most recently bill,??是不是形式呢?